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update content increase pagerank

update content increase pagerank

hm .. after all this time I do not Upadate my blog ... this time I want to update again. The first time I made this blog is so amazing what I can of pagerank, only takes a few months or even less than three months that I've got my pagerank of this blog is 2. and not long in pagerank 2 weeks later I increased to 3.

after I researched, that increased pagerank blog is very influenced by the exchange of links that I do. Not only that, the increased pagerank blog is also affected due to the increased traffic of visitors each day. in the first month it was very significant improvement is therefore transparent to the number 3.

more and more blog visitors decreased and this resulted in my blog just reached pagerank 3. message to all the friends, that in order to increase the pagerank of a blog and keep the pagerank is not down very well noted that the traffic is very valuable visitors to keep our pagerank so that's one way to keep our blog always visit is the update of our blog content on a regular basis so that visitors continue to visit our blog.

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